Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes

Sean Reynolds, a highly acclaimed investigative journalist (who ardently believed in paranormal happenings ), destroyed his career once the most watched episode of his reality series, dependent on paranormal happenings, proven to be a hoax. Sean saw a news report on some"Bigfoot Hunter" (Carl Drybeck) who claimed to get the body of a dead Sasquatch. He believes Drybeck is just a phony and decides to create a new series that reveals people asserts as hoaxes. Sean assembles his previous film team and heads to Northern California's"Lost Coast" to meet with and interview Drybeck. Sean is staking his come back, his entire own life and the lives of the documentary film team on proving the claim of Drybeck.
85 min
4.5 min
New Breed Entertainment,
Freeway Studios,
Continental Media,
Harrington Thomas Productions
United States of America
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