
The sovereign Greek island of Ithaca, 8th century B.C.. The Trojan War was over for ten decades, and also the Greeks have come home victorious. Only one person is missing: that the king. The island's economy is becoming worse every day whilst the realm has been invaded by the many princes of the region, devouring its resources, and pressuring Queen Penelope to pick a husband. To postpone her suitors, she promises to choose once she has completed edging King Laertes' burial shroud. Every night, However her job is undone by her. Odysseus' son Telemachus doesn't dare lay claim to his father's throne. His only dream is to sail outside to rescue Odysseus.
When Penelope's buried feelings awakens, Every thing accelerates. That would end up King? The manipulator Leocrites? The heir Telemachus? Or the traveller Eukharistos? Or will Odysseus allow it to be back over the time to seize the reins of power? Unless the 2 Trojan slaves Clea and Eurynome bring absolute chaos to Ithaca... Throughout the stories of these four attorneys -- Telemachus, Penelope, Clea and Leocrites -- ODYSSEUS brings a fresh twist to Greek mythology greatest narrative and shows its own darkest secrets.
45 min
5.6 min
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